Lloyd is a professional actor, writer and director with over 45 years experience. Born in Leeds he went on to study at Manchester University and is now based in both London and the North. His acting and writing work have been broadcast all over the world and his passion for creating original work has been strengthened in the present cultural and political climate. His commitment to produce new exciting, provocative drama and comedy remains undiminished.

Lloyd Peters


Lloyd has worked with many leading writers and directors including Mike Leigh, Alan Bleasdale, Jim Cartwright, Ken Russell and Kathy Gail Macgowan on Broadway. Lloyd formed the ‘alternative comedy’ theatre company 20th Century Coyote with Rik Mayall whilst studying Drama at Manchester University. He also taught students such as Peter Kay and Jason Manford at Salford University.

Coming Soon in 2025:

Lloyd Peters as ‘Peter’ in ‘The Vanishing Act’. In production throughout 2024

Highlights of 2022-24:

Lloyd Peters makes his New York Broadway stage debut as ‘Maurice’ in ‘The Night Alive’ by Conor McPherson, directed by Kathy Gail MacGowan. What the Reviews said:

‘…..Lloyd Peters is a true treasure as Uncle Maurice and practically gives a masterclass in acting in The Night Alive’. Eleni Sakellis, The National Herald, October 18 2022

‘ The real star of the night is Lloyd Peters as Uncle Maurice, at turns crotchety and weepy, but oh, the journey takes us on with his big monologue (and McPherson knows how to write a good monologue). Peters is a reminder of what a gift it can be to just listen to someone talk, to hear them think out loud, the thesis inside the ramble’. Zelda Knapp, Margin Notes: The Night Alive, October 20th 2022

‘Lloyd Peters’ (Maurice) heartbreaking turn as Tommy’s uncle, who struggles with powerlessness in the face of strife and loss, is delivered with incredible finesse…The Night Alive is a triumph.’ Zach Adler, My Entertainment World, New York Theatre Review, October 21st 2022.

Lloyd returns to ‘Coronation Street’ as Walter, Granada Television, Dir: John Greening, October 2022

BBC 100 years’ anniversary commemorations select ‘Boys From the Blackstuff’ for re-screening as one of its greatest ever groundbreaking dramas. Lloyd as ‘Morgan’ in ‘Yosser’s Story’ BBC 4 July 2022.

Lloyd appears in two prestigious BBC Radio 4 dramas - the final episode of ‘Brief Lives’ and ‘Trust’ with Julie Hesmondhalgh, both directed by Gary Brown.

Red-Roar Films

Lloyd created the production company Red-Roar Films in 1988 that has produced many independent films screened in cinemas and on television.

A passion for celebrating the experimental and political is often a feature of his work…..

… and there’s comedy films too.


By popular demand, nay by revolutionary uproar, YES he’s back. Jack-Jack Dog-Dog, the malcontent, misanthropic Labrador cross (he's very cross) returns in a brand new crazy adventure celebrating his fantasy life of hedonism, acting and art. Who wants to be a boring slobbo human? Certainly not Jack-Jack Dog-Dog. Paradise is Regained with the help of Schoenberg, Mick Jagger and Uranus.

 Access the film by red PLAY tab in panel above or on link:

https://youtu.be/b1GO4mcC160? si=CmBAwCeiWfJuMMC2

And please vote LIKE online above. Jack-Jack is feeling bereft…and oh, needs a commission.

Director Lloyd Peters (centre) on location for the John Robb interview (right) with rock legend Shaun Ryder (second left)

(Red-Roar Films/Sparkle Street Projects 2021)

Red-Roar Films on location

First Cut a short screenplay by Lloyd Peters wins two Hollywood awards and is a Finalist in the NYC International Screenplay Awards 2022.

Platinum Award Best Short Script Independent Shorts Awards 2022

Nominated Finalist in the IndieX Fest competition 2022

Finalist in the NYC International Screenplay Awards 2021-2022

Quarter Finalist in the Chicago Screenplay Awards 2021-2022


‘Early Rik: Thoughts Of A Clown: A Rik Mayall biography ‘

by Chris Shields.

Foreword by Lloyd Peters

Now available from Amazon - Hardcover or Paperback.


(updated content below 20/10/23)

Interested in the roots of ‘alternative comedy’ and 20th Century Coyote - Lloyd, Rik, Mike, Mark and another guy with a motorbike? Forget the massaged, revisionist versions, this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the Rik.

For those scholars craving even more authentic detail, access the peer-reviewed article in Comedy Studies:

Peters, LH 2013, ‘The roots of alternative comedy? - the alternative story of 20th Century coyote and eighties comedy’.

Comedy Studies, Volume 4(1): pages 5-21 DOI:10.1386



Dr. Lloyd Peters lectured at Salford University from 1993-2018. Lloyd was awarded a Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award in 2011, a PhD in 2014 and an Honorary Senior Lectureship in 2018-Present.

Lloyd has published many academic articles that focus on Comedy, Television, Radio, Theatre, Media and Performance. No Ivory Towers here. These easy-to-read articles explore in greater detail the nuts and bolts of the wider media and cultural industries that informed Lloyd's practical performances and production career.

Peer-reviewed articles of note:

Peters, LH 2013, ‘The roots of alternative comedy? - the alternative story of 20th Century coyote and eighties comedy’. Comedy Studies Volume 4(1): pages 5-21 DOI:10.1386

A must read for followers and scholars of 20th Century Coyote and Rik Mayall - the non-revisionist, unmassaged truthful version

Peters, LH 2015. ‘ A Higher Education - A Polemic (for a change).’ Sage Journals, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Volume 14, Issue 4 https://doi.org/10.1177/1474022215591102

Explores some of the political and cultural issues that surround Higher Education that inspired the writing and production of the hit BBC radio play ‘A Higher Education’, by Lloyd Peters, starring Rik Mayall,. Warning: includes funny lines!

Peters, LH 2018, ‘Reports of the death of British theatrical comedy? Greatly exaggerated or sadly accurate ?’ Comedy Studies Volume 9 (1): pages 76-83, Published online: 26 Feb 2018 https://doi.org/10.1080/2040610X.2018.1437166

With original interviews with UK theatre producers and commissioners, the paper poses the uncomfortable question, ‘Is ‘serious’ British theatrical comedy dead?’

Peters, LH and Becker, Sue ‘Racism in comedy reappraised: Back to Little England?’ Comedy Studies Volume 1 (2) pages 191-200, Published online: 03 Jan 2014https://doi.org/10.1386/cost.1.2.159_1

Much cited paper that examines racism in television comedy both explicit (eg Little Britain) and casual racism (eg Teenage Kicks.)

Media Practice and New Approaches to Mise-en-Scene and Auteur Theory in Broadcast Radio’ (2014 PhD. Salford University repository)

Don’t be put off by the long title, Lloyd’s PhD thesis focuses on the practicalities of writing and producing his many broadcast BBC radio plays. There is a dedicated chapter on the writing and recording of ‘A Higher Education’, starring Rik Mayall.